Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Love never fails

Cupcake love is very powerful believe me.
Males are not excluded from that.

You males have hearts too,
you males have emotions too,
you males feel pain too.
You males cry more than females.
You males hate like females do,
You males hold jealous like us,
You males even gossip like females . . .

You are not different than us, you are us.
As females wish to have true love
in same way males wish to have true love.
They want Bella more than
we females want and wish Edward.

You wish to have Rose,
You wish to have Selene,
You wish to have Bella . . .

Hold your lust,
Hold your urges,
Hold your desires
For the one who is yours.
Explode your imagination with her,
Explore it with her,
Only her and her.

The one female is yours,
I am  yours and only yours,
Feel the warmth in my arms,
feel security in my hugs,
feel the breath of me in you,
feel the pain of not being with you.

Hear my heart beat that only beats for you,
Listen to my pain that shouts your name,
Heed my actions that are craving for you.

Cupcake aaja mere pass.
Aa mere Khuda!
Mere Rab!
Aaja mere pass.

Love will give you strength,
Love will give you courage,
Love will give you wisdom,
Love will show you way to me.

Reach me I am waiting for you.
Come to me,
Come my king,
Come my lord,
Come my love!

Come and get your queen!
Love never fails.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I wanted a perfect ending.

I wanted a perfect ending.
Now I've learned,
the hard way,
that some poems don't rhyme,
some stories don't have a clear:

middle, and

Life is about not knowing,
having to change,
taking the moment and
making the best of it,
without knowing what's going to happen next.

Delicious Ambiguity.

Good evening.

Artists and poets are obsessed about their work.

I am a girl who is silent,
Taking your all non sense.

I live in my own world,
it doesn't mean I don't understand real world.
The way I comprehend the world is more than you.

You guys drinking,
Smoking and
addicted to alcohol and the ecstasy it gives
don't dare to judge me and point figure at me.

What you do in your real life is your choice,
What I do in my life is my choice.

I don't ask a question and laugh at you,
don't use my mind as yours.

My words are mine,
don't give them to me and control me.

I am more than intelligent,
you don't buy that, then get lost.

If you can't understand me,
It's not my mistake that you got no brains and you are moron.
Artists and poets are obsessed about their work,
There's nothing wrong about it.

They are meant to be obsessed. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I am very cold !

I am very cold, I know goodness hurts more badly than badness and physical violence and violence itself and aggressive nature. And you thought my goodness is my biggest weakness. It's my weapon.

It's hurting you right? Very badly, disgusti
ngly, insanely your conscience is eating you from inside. Making you to pull your intestines outside your stomach via your mouth.

You wish now if she could have punished me.
She could have scolded me,
abused me,
reacted badly with me.
And people ask why don't you fight back?
Why don't you reply other's bad reactions?

It's firstly waste of time and energy.
It's waste of my emotional energy.
It's negativity, I don't surround with negative energy.
Not any more. I ignore . . . !

I see ten steps ahead in life,
I don't see now.

Your badness cannot make my goodness disappear.
I punish by not punishing.
I love your soul,
I told you in human's are capable of doing good and bad.

Love is the only thing that keeps me going.

If someone is rejecting the person
who loves the person a lot.
You are not rejecting that person
who claims to love you and only.

You are rejecting
the love,
the happiness,
the feeling of neediness.

Love is the only feeling that will never die out.
It stays and it sits in heart silently,
traveling with you all through life.

The ones who loves you are gonna loose nothing,
but the one who got loved by the person gonna loose everything.
Irony of life . . . !

My love is not an easy one,
My love is very hard to understand.
But my love is only thing that keeps me going.
My definition of love is what makes me fight for what I don't have.

I don't care if you are kicking me,
I don't care if you are pushing me away from you,
I don't care if you are annoyed at my actions,
I don't care if you are irritated for being me myself.

I just only love you and love you.
I will come and sleep on your lap, dream again and again.
When ever I am alone,
I cry out for you.

I don't care if you hate me but . . .
Please just be with me.
If you ignore me and throw me away from your life.
I am not going to loose anything.
I will gain another person's solace who would want my love.

But . . .

You only got the shadow of the past.
What will you have when I am gone?
Only a lost feeling how it is to be loved by a selfless person.

Not money can buy you,
Not property can fetch you,
Not family can give you.

I pity you,
I am sorry for you.
I am gone and far gone.
You lost the most precious . . . !

I don't hate you,
I only love you.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Don't let anyone
ever dull your sparkle.

you don't give
someone a reason
to dislike you;
they just do it
out of pure insecurities.

Some people are just sitting and
waiting for you to fail,
make sure
you disappoint them
every chance you get.

People only rain 

on your parade 
because they're 
envy your sun and 
tired of their shade.

Smile . . . !

 Always keep smiling . . . 
enjoy life as it comes.

Don't let anyone
ever dull your sparkle.

You love me come to me.
You love me prove it to me.
You love me break the barriers for me.
You love me then don't let me go . . . !

It's only about your love.
Do you love me?

No excuses,
No step backs,

You want me,
Then come for me.

You love me then fight for me.
You love me then don't stop until last breath,
You love me don't wait for fate to decide,
You love me act on it.

The love you hold on me,
Defines your actions to keep me in your life,
Sitting idle isn't gonna help you get your love.
Fight, fight harder, fight even more harder.

You love me . . . !

I believe in Magic.

I believe in Magic.
I believe in Gods,
I believe in Devils,

You and I . . .
In this world,
With in this wings,

I believe in you,
I believe in me,
I believe in faith!

You and I . . .
Will never depart,
Will never separate.

I believe in love,
I believe in your love,
I believe in my love,

You and I . . .
In this human form,
In this helpless disguise

I believe in future,
I believe in your actions.
I believe you will come for me.

Never be ashamed of who you are.

Never be ashamed of who you are.

Living life ashamed of who you are
is a very difficult life to live.
Instead of being ashamed
of where you have been and
what you have been through,
be grateful.

You are blessed to still have life,
you were blessed with 
the gift of waking up this morning, and 
you have a chance to make your life better. 

Not everyone was given 
this tremendous gift of life this day, and 
the next minute in our life isn't promised,
just as the next day isn't promised to as well.
You are somebody! 

You are important!

If you allow yourself to do great things, and 

stop feeling convicted for what 
you haven't accomplished in the past, 
you will make a big impact on this world. 
Don't walk with your head down in shame; 
walk with your head high, 
as the queen or king 
that you really are, and 
show the world 
what you are really made of!

Life happens!

Life happens.

But it is up to us to whether or not,
allow people,
places, and
things from our past
have power to continue
to control our present.

Now I’m not one to sit here and 
say something as insulting as “it’s easy" 
because it isn't. 
Sometimes letting go of people or 
events from our past 
can be one of the hardest things 
we’ve ever done. 
But you can do it. 
I’ve done it.

The truth is:

wanting to get even, 
being afraid, or 
feeling insecure around 
a person or in a situation 
can weigh you down. 
But to let go – 
it’s the only way that you can move 
fully into the present and 
give yourself the clarity 
to focus on the best possible future 
of course for yourself.

Each "new" day, 

is a gift for all of us, 
to say: 
" Nothing is going to weight me down, 
I am the boss of my future. 
No person can take this gift away from me!"

Monday, June 18, 2012

My mother!

My mother,

(I) was born in pain
on leash, in chain
Deserted in famine of passionate
with open appealing eyes to rain


My mother,

Drinking you blood,
Floating in your liquid,
Mother I grown from a small cell,
To a multi - organ creature in your belly.

My mother,

Seeing darkness,
Hearing your tender voice
Kicking your kindness,
Smothering your grace

My mother,

Never let me go from your embrace,
Keep me safe and sound in your lace.
Teach me how to fight this ignorance,
Allow me to survive in tolerance.

My mother,

Be gentle and kind,
Be soft and tender,
Keep me always in your mind,
Never kick me out of your ledger

My mother,

... now I live in tomb
nagging my doom
If I knew the world is so dark and gloomy
I would never came out of my mother's womb

If you really loved me

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have made me cry,

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have left me in my misery.

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have gifted me pain,

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have granted me tears' rain.

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have taken my happiness,

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have ripped me of my bliss.

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have written a bad fate,

If you really loved me
You wouldn't have chose not to fight for me.  

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have let me go . . . !

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have made me say goodbye.

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have to lie.

If you really loved me,
You wouldn't have let me die.

Alone in life

Alone To Cry,
Alone To Laugh,
Alone To Smile,
Alone To Frown.

Alone To Live,
Alone To Die,
Alone To Wander,
Alone To Discover.

Alone In Pain,
Alone In Hurt,
Alone In Joy.

Alone In The Morning,
Alone In The Night,
Alone In The Afternoon,
Alone In This Life,
Alone In This World.

Alone In Boredom,
Alone In Knowledge,
Alone In This State.

Alone With People,
Alone At School,
Alone Right Now,
Alone When I Was Born,
Alone When I Will Die... :(
Alone To Laugh,
Alone To Smile,
Alone To Frown.

Alone To Live,
Alone To Die,
Alone To Wander,
Alone To Discover.

Alone In Pain,
Alone In Hurt,
Alone In Joy.

Alone In The Morning,
Alone In The Night,
Alone In The Afternoon,
Alone In This Life,
Alone In This World.

Alone In Boredom,
Alone In Knowledge,
Alone In This State.

Alone With People,
Alone At School,
Alone Right Now,
Alone When I Was Born,
Alone When I Will Die... :(

Friday, April 27, 2012

A fan wrote to me! Love it!

Specially for you....olivia.....
My red heart is blue,
because I’m missing you.
Every day, I think about you,
and I imagine how great
every hour,
every minute,
and every second would be
if you were here with me.
Every night, when I lie in bed,
I dream that you’re beside me,
holding me close to you.
If you were, I’d whisper in your ear,
how much I love you.
Since you came into my life
nothing has been the same.
I’ve experienced love to its fullest,
and I’ve tasted a beauty that never ends,
because you’re where my happiness begins.
I’m incomplete without you, and
I’ll never stop loving you.
You’re the world to me,
in brilliant colors.
You’re my best friend,
a favorite song that will never end.
And together is where we should be.
Someday soon, I pray,
that you’ll walk through the door
and take this heartache away.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Vengeance is pointless

Anger is the power,
to fight the evil.
Mold it into your strength,
A property that would make you strong.

If you let it, it will destroy you,
Relieve it, forgive them.

Focus and determination,
Will teach you to learn your destiny.

I wont given up on myself,
I will not give up on you,

Vengeance is pointless,
it will never help me.
Why would I not seek vengeance,
Why not I avenge my past?

Pain is what I need to crave into a beautiful statue.
They made you what you are now.

Forgiveness is truly powerful,
The truth will be eclipsed, 
it's the fact of universe.

But eclipse has an end.
Sun will come and
Spread it's light on earth,
Making earth lively and green.

Have patience,
Abandon the anger,
Mold it to turn into your weapon,
To fight the evil.

With no pity,
With no hesitation.

My God will come from the sky.

I am afraid,
I got fear.

I am not scared of you,
I don't fear you,

Tell me my girl,
What are you scared of?
Why you are so fearful?

I see failure,
I see disappointment.

Don't loose the hope,
Don't gain the despair.

Have faith,
Never abandon the truth,
Never leave what you believe.

Pursue your goals,
Truth has a power,
An invisible power to move mountains,
Stony heart is nothing,
Cold blooded soul is not the end.

Diamond also melts,
Only it needs a powerful heart.
Boiling prayers,

My God will come from the sky,
Will fall onto earth for you,
Have faith!
My sweet girl.

Don't fear,
Don't ever my dear.

You seem to be so untouchable.

You took away my fear,
You showed me the path,
You should be standing by me,
To save this world,

but you prefer to rather,
Leave me and go.

You are the reason I am still alive,
I will always have this gratitude on you.
Nothing can change this fact,
That I love you no matter what.

Nothing can stop my love,
Nothing can make it not reach you.

You have to feel my love,
You have to answer my prayers,
You are my destiny,
And nothing can change that fact.

You are the reason for my peace of mind,
You are the reason behind my smile,
My joy and my smile,
Where have you gone; away two miles.

It's time,
To let you go and leave my path.
You are happy,
Without me,
It's time,
To move on with my life.

I have tried my best to change your path,
But you seems to be so untouchable.

Ruthless and merciless my God,
It's time for me to move on.

Stay happy,
Stay strong,
Stay alive,
Stay good,

Don't ever repent your decision.
I pray to the God to give me,
Courage and
To let you go . . .

My love it's time to say goodbye.
I have tried a lot and lot.
You seem to be so untouchable.

I fear you Cupcake

I fear you. 

You are capable of doing incredible destruction to me. 
You are capable of writing my bad fate. 
You are capable of destroying me. 
You are capable of making me a slut, 
you are so capable.

You are God of destruction.
You are so ruthless,
You are so cruel,
You are so harsh,
You are a monster,
You are a devil,
You are a bad soul.

You can do me a great level of destruction,
Don't spoil my life,
Don't make my fate worse,
Don't curse me,
Don't shower thunder storm.

Don't do anything that would finish me.
Don't let me die,
Don't murder me,
Don't make me cheap,
Don't take my respect,
Don't take my dignity.

My love,

Don't humiliate me,
Don't insult me,
Don't exploit me.

Let me write to you.
Don't stop my love on you.
Don't ignore it,
Let it in your life,

I fear you,
I fear you Cupcake,
I do fear you.
My love,
I fear you.

I totally lust you.

I love you,
You love me,
What's stopping us?
From uniting?

Come to me my love,
Your love is calling you,

Reach your destiny,
Don't reject your fate.
You will not be happy without me.
I am your love,
Love of your life,

Believe me,
Trust me.
I am so waiting for you,
All these years of separation,
Can't stand even a single day without you.

Don't resist me,
Don't ignore me,
Don't stop me,
Don't halt me.

Don't be a dork,
Don't be a jerk,

Feel my love on you,
It's so true,
It's so pure,
It's so sure.

Let me pray,
Let me love,
Let me worship,
Let me in.

Come to me,
My love.
I totally lust you,
I totally wanna mate you.

I lust you!

I can't reject you, 
I will never reject you.
I love you,
My man!
I lust you,
My male!

You are my source of energy,
you are my source of happiness,
you are my source of enlightenment,
you are my source of knowledge,
you are my source of wisdom,
you are my source of intelligence,
you are my source of passion,
you are my source of goodness.

Now why on earth I would give up on you?
I love you,
My man!
I lust you,
My male!

I do anything for one more day with you!

O my love,
I do anything for one more day with you,

O my love,
I do anything for one more day with you,

Love you hard,
Love you more,
Love you,
Love you from my heart and soul.
I am trying to understand,
It's alright;
It gets easier with time.

I have changed and
I have realized I was wrong,
I was wrong;
Now I will never see your face any more.

O my love,
I would give anything for one more day with you.

I would give anything for one more day with you,
with you . . .

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Raise up my girl, up up!

Raise up my girl!
Raise up from the ashes.

I promised myself not to cry,
I promised myself never to get hurt,

Stay strong,
Stay bold,

Never let bad of others hit you,
There's a lot of evil around you,
waiting to attack you at your vulnerability,
Never give it in your sustainability.

Don't mess up,
no matter how hard the situations grow up.

The truth is you will win,
Have faith in your skin.

Don't be a skeptic,
Be a greatest relic.

All time is good,
When you have zeal to step in wood,
raw and flesh,
this blood and bones get refresh
To stand against the fears that hold 

Raise up from the ashes,
Raise like a saint form the charcoal dust.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I only meant to love you!

My love!

I never meant to cause you trouble,
I never ever have caused you trouble,

I really really never meant to do you harm!

O no, I see!
Spot away it's me in the middle.
So I thought I have to spend time,
So here I am . . .
Writing to you,

I never meant to cause you trouble,
I never ever have caused you trouble,

I really really never meant to do you harm!

I am tied with the roap of your silence,
Can't reach you and can't see you.

The pain of not seeing you,
O ya, it's huge!
But what you know how hard it is . . .
To keep myself not to feel you,
I stay there in that building,
Just to feel your presence.

Will that buy your love on me?
O no, I know.

I never meant to cause you trouble,
I never ever have caused you trouble,

I really really never meant to do you harm!

I only meant to love you.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

One love, one heart, one vision!

One love,
One heart,
One vision . . . !

Feel my love,
I had tried so hard,
but the crap,
fill the river ends,

My end,
Is the start of your love,
I have to rush,
I have to take control.

I will meet you,
crying and praying all the time for you,
it's time I have to lead the path,
in the rush of fear!

I can't seem to make you mine.
I try so hard still I fail.
Being so optimistic,
The moment I stop believing,
I give up.

I will never believe,
I would fail. 
All I wish,
I want us to be:

One love,
One heart,
One vision . . . !

Sunday, January 29, 2012

My love! Find a way to come to me.

                You want me, you want me,
                You don't want me, you don't want me.

                 If you love me you will come to me. 
                 If you are my true love nothing can make you stop from loving me.

                 Are you my true love?
                 Or are you my ladder to true love?

                 Where ever you are please come to me,
                 this heart is so tired of waiting for you,
                 Can't take any second without you,
                 I am loosing it but fighting so hard to win you.

                 You hate me, you hate me,
                 But I love you, and I love you . . . !

                 My love come to me!
                 I am still waiting for you,

                 I forgive you,
                 I pray to you,
                 My love!
                 Find a way to come to me.