Sunday, May 29, 2011

Promise broken.

You're gone

And I'm left alone,
None to share,
None to answer.

Promise broken,
Truth unspoken,
Words unkempt,
Dreams swept.

It never alarmed me,
It never touched me,
That you'll ditch me,
That you'll cheat me.

Pushed me into hell,
Thrown into never ending well.
Shot me in my heart,
Stabbed me in my soul.

I am so dumb,
For having blind spot.
I am so numb,
For making you a lot.

And . . .
I am very sorry,
For letting you be my
Life's priority.


  1. awesome
    only one word i can sy awesome!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you. I like this poem because it is the pain the lover has when his / her love leaves him / her and go away forever.

  3. if years turn to dust i will know that your love is my butterfly and my hope. In time and peace love and scars will remain but i miss all that i have the end i am the promise for-not forgo the trails the tears the blood where are you my butterfly in write in word i miss your tongue and in mind and pain i miss your heart and in truth i hope to see your eyes my dear butterfly once again even if it is with the twisted forks of my punishment

  4. Wer, awesome writing, I loved it. You must be loving some girl from your heart and soul. I can't imagine you words so touching and lovely. Thank you for sharing, I am sharing them with my friends.
