Sunday, October 9, 2011

Whispering wind . . . !

We ventured as strangers,
Don't know how it ends.

I think it is our destiny to meet,
but our path seems to split.
We both need to grow,
A fact that I know.
You know I am very scared,
that you wont find me sacred,
and this thoughts bring me fears.
Hence helplessness tears.

My eyes will cry,
I don't think they will ever dry.
But I want you to know,
that I made a vow
of always remembering your
sweet and tender loving care,
you once shared.
In my dreams that never end.

Even though miles is between us now
No matter how close you are
I know we'll get together somehow
Simple I ask you to reconsider

My love! Hope . . .
You come to me . . . !  

Whispering wind will carry my love to you . . .
When you feel it come to me my love ! ! !

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