If someone is rejecting the person
who loves the person a lot.
You are not rejecting that person
who claims to love you and only.
You are rejecting
the love,
the happiness,
the feeling of neediness.
Love is the only feeling that will never die out.
It stays and it sits in heart silently,
traveling with you all through life.
The ones who loves you are gonna loose nothing,
but the one who got loved by the person gonna loose everything.
Irony of life . . . !
My love is not an easy one,
My love is very hard to understand.
But my love is only thing that keeps me going.
My definition of love is what makes me fight for what I don't have.
I don't care if you are kicking me,
I don't care if you are pushing me away from you,
I don't care if you are annoyed at my actions,
I don't care if you are irritated for being me myself.
I just only love you and love you.
I will come and sleep on your lap, dream again and again.
When ever I am alone,
I cry out for you.
I don't care if you hate me but . . .
Please just be with me.
If you ignore me and throw me away from your life.
I am not going to loose anything.
I will gain another person's solace who would want my love.
But . . .
You only got the shadow of the past.
What will you have when I am gone?
Only a lost feeling how it is to be loved by a selfless person.
Not money can buy you,
Not property can fetch you,
Not family can give you.
I pity you,
I am sorry for you.
I am gone and far gone.
You lost the most precious . . . !
I don't hate you,
I only love you.
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